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Durham Property Ventures acquires rental properties from landlords, which are then decorated and furnished to a high standard, rendering them ideal for short-stay serviced accommodation or Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).


You would not have to advertise your property every six to twelve months. Advertising your property and conducting viewings can be time-consuming and costly, particularly when using an estate agent.

No advertisement 

Transforming your property into serviced accommodation or a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) guarantees thorough upkeep, as our goal is for guests to enjoy their stay and return. Rest assured, your property will be maintained to a standard surpassing its condition at the time of entrustment to us.

Well maintained property

Step 1

Initially, we will discuss whether you are comfortable with us sub-letting your property as serviced accommodation or a HMO. Upon agreement, we will outline our plans for the property, review the contract, discuss the term length, and agree on the rent.

Step 2 

Our team enters, decorates, and furnishes your property to a high standard. The styling of the property depends on whether we designate it for serviced accommodation or as an HMO. This process can enhance the value of your property. Examples are in our gallery. 

Step 3

Subsequently, a professional photographer is hired to capture images of the property. These photos are then used to advertise the property on our website as well as on other platforms like Airbnb and

The Process

We guarantee that you will receive your rent consistently every month until the end of our agreement.

Guaranteed rent  

We will manage all maintenance for your property and cover the costs of all minor repairs. This arrangement will result in greater savings for you.


We will fully manage your property, allowing you to relax and watch your investment grow.


the income you receive from the guaranteed rent will be entirely passive, as we will handle all the details.

Passive income

There is no need to waste time and money on tenancy referencing checks, we will manage all of that for you.

No more tenant referencing checks 

We want to take on your property for a long term. 

Long term tenancy 


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